Consultancy Assignment: Mapping and Characterizing the Seagrasses in the Rumaki And ‘Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Resesrve’.
From this, the decision was made to establish the World Wildlife Fund as an international fundraising organization. The intention was to work in collaboration with existing conservation groups and bring financial support to the worldwide conservation movement.
As the World Wildlife Fund grew, in the 70s and 80s, it began to expand its work to conserve the environment as a whole. This reflected the interdependence of all living things, rather than focusing on selected species in isolation
WWF TCO is seeking for a team of consultant(s) to conduct a baseline assessment of seagrass distribution within the RUMAKI seascape with focus on the newly nominated ‘Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere reserve’ which includes the Mafia Island Marine Park (MIMP), the Collaborative Fisheries Management Areas (CFMAs), the Ruins of Kilwa and Songo Mnara and the Rufiji Delta mangrove area and Ramsar site. More details on the ToR