The main objective: Mainstreaming of women and youth into economic and livelihood projects for the
integrated management of coastal and marine ecosystem to ensure projects do not encourage gender-
biased inequalities
(a) Identify and quantify the work and contribution of women and youth in fisheries, sea weed, tourism, other
important livelihoods sources and conservation initiatives and provide evidence for future support and
investment in them;
(b) Identify and quantify women and youth contribution in household food security, their livelihood-
dependency on ocean resources and their barriers in accessing them;
(c) Access how social relations of production, access to resources, social cultural factors and power dynamics
within household and villages have affected women and youth positively and negatively;
(d) Identify context specific capacity training gaps and guidelines for women and youth in resource
management, livelihood investments and sustainable resourced utilization;
(e) Identify women and youth learning exchange in order to transform ideas and initiatives into sustainable
(f) Explore women and youth income seasonality and coping strategies with focus on innovative group and
individual partnerships solutions and income diversification.
(a) The Final report, with the following structure:
– Title page
– Table of content to three levels
– List of annexes as appropriate
– Table of tables, figures and pictures
– Abbreviations and acronyms
– Executive summary (1 to 2 pages)
– Introduction
– Main body divided into different sections.
– Preferably the Context, Methodology, Key findings, Discussions, Lessons Learned for
replication, Recommendations and Conclusion
– Key findings based on each of the TORs and consultant experienced and knowledge
– Discussions
– Recommendations (each recommendation must be preceded by a conclusion, that refers to
a discussion in the main body of the report)
– Annexes as required including Terms of Reference, schedule of activity and People met.
(b) The report should be produced using MS Word and will be available in electronic form, both in
Word copy and all the elements together in a single file pdf format
(c) All raw data in proper excel format
(d) 40 good pictures with high resolutions taken during the field visits:
Pictures must be taken in accordance with WWF rules and guidelines. User rights must be assigned
to WWF TCO and should be submitted in electronic copies and should have a suitable resolution to
be printed on A0 format.