About Company
The Company announced on 10 May 2022 that Sitholizwe Mdlalose, the Company’s Managing Director will be stepping down on 1 July 2022 following his reassignment to Vodacom Group’s South Africa operation as the Managing Director. His contribution as the outgoing MD has been invaluable in focusing the organization on strong pillars of growth and expansion. On the back of that success, the Board is pleased to announce that Sitholizwe Mdlalose will join Vodacom’s Board as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 July 2022 taking over from Dejan Kastelic who will resign on 1 July 2022.
The Board takes this opportunity to thank Dejan Kastelic for his contribution to the Board and to congratulate Mr Mdlalose on his appointment and look forward to his service on the Board.
- Appointment of the Managing Director and Finance Director;
- Effective oversight of Vodacom Tanzania’s strategic direction;
- Approving major capital projects, acquisitions or divestitures;
- Exercising objective judgment on Vodacom Tanzania’s business affairs, independent from the management;
- Ensuring that appropriate governance structures, policies and procedures are in place;
- Ensuring the effectiveness of Vodacom Tanzania’s internal controls;
- Reviewing and evaluating Vodacom Tanzania’s risks;
- Approving the annual budget and operating plan;
- Approving the consolidated annual and interim financial results as well as all communications to shareholders;
- Approving the senior management structure, responsibilities and succession plans; and Information and technology governance.